Friendship Tested

Missed you yesterday, Gentle Reader.  I didn’t ‘talk’ to you because I was volunteering at Strawberry Hill Museum…amazing experience  that will be a subject for another blog very soon.  But this morning my email exchange with a friend left me laughing out loud.

My friend, casually minding her daily chores, passed her linen closet.  Without even opening the cabinet doors, she knew that this was the day!   No more casual folds.  No more evidence of the kids grab-and-go.  No more mismatched sheets crying for order.  Especially no more mismatched sheets.  In 30 dervish minutes the planet righted itself.  Order restored.

Well, at least order south of the river.  Up north, in my planet spot,  not so much.

So I confessed to my friend, braving the thought of her disbelief.   No response yet, but she had to know that my linen cabinet is a crazy quilt of color, bottom sheets rolled tightly and top sheets folded with precision but matching??

Bob and I share laundry duties though I am steward of bed changing.  Even if I take the sheets off the bed, carry them to the machine and begin the process, the match stops there.  Magically.  Really.  They go in as 300 count queen sized ecru buddies and the dryer gives back sheets from some neighbor’s supply.    Probably passed through the single sock universe.  Well, OK, I may have purchased them somewhere— sometime, but I gave up matching a long time ago.  Wonder how this happened to me?  Wonder if my friend counts this as a camel-straw?   Probably not.  She accepts so very much more than my linen closet disasters.  Friendship doesn’t have to match.